English Language (Secondary section)

Teaching purpose

  • To develop students’ learning–to-learn competence and open-minded attitude through English learning.
  • To develop students’ generic skills through English learning.

Teaching objectives

  • To facilitate learning effectiveness with the use of eLearning resources.
  • To enhance the language environment so as to provide students with enjoyable experiences in the use of the language.
  • To activate interest and knowledge by developing language connected to workplace communication.
  • To expand multi-cultural exposure to students and to broaden their horizon.

Teaching content

  • promoting Language across the Curriculum (LaC) to help students connect their learning experiences, and to enhance their language proficiency and application of language knowledge and skills for non-language subjects;
  • leveraging information technology to facilitate e-learning, develop new literacy skills, enhance collaboration and interaction inside and outside the classroom, build learning networks, motivate self-directed learning to prepare students better for the challenges in the rapidly changing digital world, as well as promoting information literacy to equip students with the ability and attitude for effective and ethical use of information;
  • promoting RaC and cross-curricular/KLA collaboration in support of STEM education to broaden students’ knowledge base and strengthen their ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills.
  • strengthening values education through the use of a wide array of learning and teaching resources which provide contexts for students to explore a wealth of value-laden issues and stimuli for critical and imaginative responses; and

Pg.9 CDC (2017). English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-Secondary 6)

Course curriculum

The concept of modules, units and tasks is recommended for organising the learning and teaching of the English Language Education curriculum. A module is an organising focus which can be broken down into units and tasks that are thematically or conceptually related. These themes and concepts are explored through tasks and help students make connections between their learning experiences. Extended tasks and projects can be developed from tasks to help students develop further knowledge and skills.
Pg.66 CDC (2017). English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-Secondary 6)

Evaluation strategy

There are continuous Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment in each term. The following table describes the components of each assessment.

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment
Frequency continuous throughout the year one in each term
Marks Paper 1 (Reading) and Paper 2 (Writing)
Daily mark 70% + Exam Mark 30%
Total: 100%

Website recommend

Learning English Language Online
- List of Free Resources

Activities for ESL Students


Tumble book Cloud Junior

National Geographic Young Explorers

BBC Learning English

British Council Learn English Kids

Young Post