
23/9/2020 小一、中一至中六 復課 Primary 1, Secondary 1 to Secondary 6 Resumption
教育局已於本年9月8日向全港特殊學校發出主題為「全港資助特殊學校分階段復課面授課堂的相關安排」的信函。原則上,特殊學校會參考普通學校的安排,亦須因應不同種類別的學生的需要和情況,就恢復面授課堂的安排作出調整。本校將跟隨教育局的指引,讓學生回校按半天實體上課的時間表上課,以免在校內安排午膳,減少感染的風險。復課安排如下: (1) 復課安排︰ 小一、中一至中六︰9月23日(三)復課; 小二至小六︰9月29日(二)復課。 (2) 半天上課形式: 返放學時間為上午8:30至中午12:00,每天四節課、一節小息及班務。 (3) 時間表安排: 跟隨網課時間表。 備註: 要讓學生在清潔和安全的環境下學習,家長及同學們的合作至為重要。我們懇請家長除了加強家居 衞生外,還嚴格落實下列措施: 1. 留意子女的健康狀況,如出現病徵,尤其發燒,請立即求醫,切勿上學,保姆車亦會拒絕接載發燒學童回校; 2. 每天上課前為子女量度體溫,並每天填寫由本校提供的「量度體溫記錄表」(已派發),簽署後由學生帶回學校; 3. 為防感染,請促請學生每天上學時包括乘坐保姆車或其他交通工具必須戴上口罩,並帶備紙巾。 如有任何查詢,請致電本校 2489 8298與班主任聯絡。 On September 9 this year, the Education Bureau forwarded a letter to all special schools in Hong Kong on the subject of “Arrangements of Resumption of Face-to-Face Classes in Phases". In principle, special schools will refer to the arrangements of ordinary schools and must also adjust the arrangements for resuming face-to-face classes in response to the needs and conditions of different types of students. Our school will follow the guidelines of the Education Bureau to allow students to return to school on a half-day real-time class schedule to avoid arranging lunch in the school and reduce the risk of infection. The class resumption will be arranged as follows: (1) Arrangements of class resumption: P1 & M1 to M6: class resumption from 23 September (Wed); P2 to P6: class resumption from 29 September (Tue). (2) Half-day class mode: the school time is from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon with four teaching periods, one break and a class teacher period every day. (3) Timetable arrangement: follow the online class timetable. Remarks: Cooperation from parents and students is important for us to maintain a clean and safe envvironment. We call on your support to step up environmental hygiene in the household, and, implement the following measures strictly. 1. Pay attention to the health condition of your child. He/She should stay away from school and see a doctor immediately if symptom, especially fever, is detected, and our nanny van drivers will refuse to pick up fever students; 2. Take your child’s temperature before he or she goes to school every day. Fill in the temperature record sheet provided by our school and sign your name on it. Your child should return the completed record sheet to us daily; 3. To prevent infection, please ask your child to wear a mask when he or she goes to school every day, and no matter when taking our nanny vans or other means of transportation, and bring his or her tissue paper. If you have any enquiries, please contact the class teacher at 2489 8298.
