- 暑假由七月十三日(星期四)至八月三十一日(星期四)止。
- 暑期內本會九龍聾啞堂會如常舉辦主日崇拜,於星期日上午十一時至正午十二時在本校小禮堂舉行,請鼓勵 貴子弟參加。
- 暑假期內校務處的辦公時間︰星期一至星期五上午九時至下午五時,午膳時間由下午一時至二時,星期六上午九時至下午一時,公眾假期停止辦公。
- 下年度校車服務安排將由「校車服務組」跟進,司機個別知會有關學生家長,如有需要,請聯絡張家永主任或校車司機。
- 暑假期內,請家長囑咐 貴子弟完成暑期功課。
- 九月一日(星期五)為2023-2024年度新學年開課日,是日上課時間由上午八時三十分至上午十時三十分,歡迎各家長陪同子女準時出席,並請囑咐 貴子弟攜帶書包盛載書簿。
- 九月四日(星期一)為新學年正式上課日,照正常時間表上下課,由上午八時三十分至下午三時三十分。
- 如有查詢,請聯絡各班班主任。
- Summer holidays starts from 13th July, 2023(Wednesday) to 31st August, 2023(Thursday).
- The Sunday Congregation will be held as usual from 11:00 am till 12:00 noon by the Kowloon Deaf Congregation. All are welcome.
- School office opens during the Summer Vacation as follows:
*(Monday – Friday) 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m./ 2:00pm – 5:00p.m.
*(Saturday) 9:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.
*(Public Holidays) closed
- School bus service will be arranged by the General Affairs Group of the school and parents will be contacted individually. For enquires please contact Mr. Cheung Ka Wing or the school bus drivers.
- Parents are advised to encourage your child to complete the summer holidays assignments.
- 1st September, 2023(Friday): new school year begins and the Opening Ceremony starts from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Parents are welcome to attend and students are advised to bring their school bags for textbooks and exercise books.
- 4th September, 2023(Monday) : class resumes as usual from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- For enquires, please contact the Class-teachers.