3/3 堂校旅行日 Church cum School Joint Picnic
- 目的地:遊覽「香港樂高探索中心」
- 日期: 03/03/2024 (日)
- 時間 : 上午11:00–下午12:00 主日崇拜 (啓聾小禮堂)
下午12:05–13:25 午膳 (恆景商場龍寳酒家)
下午13:40–16:15 探索和遊覽「香港樂高探索中心」
- 交通: 由校車接載往返
- 集合/解散地點: 路德會啓聾學校
- 費用: 家長 每位 $120 (包括車費和午膳連入場費)
學生 每位 $80 (包括車費和午膳連入場費)
- 負責人員: 李小玲主任/謝汝聰副校長/蘭志峰老師/*陳力敏主任/*陳莉老師
注意事項: (1) 小學生必須由家長陪同參加。
(2) 由於名額有限,如參加人數超額,將以抽籤形式決定。
(3) 請務必準時參加主日崇拜。
(4) 活動結束後,家長可自由解散或乘搭校巴回校。
You are cordially invited to participate in a joint activity organised by LSD as well as the Deaf Congregation of the Lutheran Church – HKS. The details are as follows:
- Destination: LEGOLAND Discovery Centre
- Date: 03/03/2024 (Sunday)
- Schedule and the arrangements:
11:00am – 12:00pm |
Sunday Service at Chapel, LSD |
12:05pm – 1:25pm |
Lunch at Dragon Palace Restaurant |
1:40pm – 4:15pm |
Guided Tour at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre |
- Transportation: School bus
- Meeting and Dismissal Point: LSD
- Fee: $120 each for Family members (transportation fee; lunch and entrance fee included
$80 each for Student (transportation fee; lunch and entrance fee included)
- Remarks:
2. If the number of participants exceed the capacity, a drawing lot session will be applied. |
3. You are strongly advised to attend the Sunday Service. 4. After the activity, parents are free to dismiss or take the school bus back to school. |